50 days

My spirits have been down the last few days.  I’ve been spending the majority of the last 3 days alone (except for pup) and as I get bored I find myself wandering onto message boards about bed rest and inevitably reading about success as well as horror stories for ladies with a shortened cervix.  I cry every time I read a story, good or bad.  Thinking I may need to stay away from that stuff…

I keep getting strange sensations/pains low down and I’ve had several contractions today and every time I feel something I’m afraid it’s a bad sign.

Today was the day we were supposed to fly down to Florida so maybe that’s bumming me out too.  Eric has been so busy with track too that he’s been coming home so late.  I really wish I had something to distract me and to make the time go by quicker.  I already cross stitched for like 4 hours today and there are no good movies on :/

I did order this rug yesterday (3′ round) which I’ll put between the crib and rocker.

I also ordered E a few things for Father’s Day but still need to shop for both of our dads.

Unfortunately all the things I can think of doing require spending money.

53 days to go

26 weeks 3 days

Went for another appointment today.  My cervix varied from 0.6 cm to 3.5 cm with continued dynamic funneling.  Dr. L wants me to keep everything the same.  He did mention that at some point I would be monitored in the hospital.  Just hoping we can delay that a few weeks.  HR was 142 and fluid levels were 10.1.  Baby kept kicking at the ultrasound probe and the TOCO and there were no contractions.

Yesterday my frames and prints all came in.  Here they are:


Lookin good!  Excited to get them all hung up but I’m waiting on the maternity photo and letter to finalize the layout.

26 weeks

26 weeks today.  56 days until 34 weeks.

Today baby is the size of a head of lettuce!

On Friday we went for another ultrasound appointment.  My cervix continues to dynamically shorten and lengthen randomly (and without any sensation that the change is occurring).  Back and forth it goes.  Dr. L was pleased that it continues to be about the same.  And given that the nifedipine has not caused any symptoms (no dizziness or drop in BP), he wants me to remain on that.  Baby was pretty chill – I think he was sleepy.  I did ask Dr. L why baby is always head down and he said that he simply doesn’t have enough room to flip around like most babies 😦  Baby’s heart rate was 147 and my fluid levels were 10.6 which the tech said was “good”.  They won’t measure the baby for size until 28 weeks which is unfortunate.  I feel like it’s really motivating to hear how much bigger he’s getting.  They did monitor for contractions for 20 min and unlike Tuesday’s appointment, I didn’t have any.  I went ahead and asked the doctor who had previously ok’d our trip to Florida next week and she did say she didn’t recommend travelling at this point.  She said that yes, there are hospitals there, but if baby were to be born he’d likely be stuck in Florida for several months and therefore we’d also be stuck there too.  That was a point I hadn’t considered.  As much as I’d like to go to Florida to be able to spend some time with Eric and my family, ultimately it’s not the best thing for baby and I’ve accepted that.  Maybe once we get to 34 weeks we’ll plan a getaway to Va Beach for a long weekend.

I got some good news about work.  I’ll be able to use up all my PTO prior to starting maternity leave and then I get to take 12 weeks of FMLA.  PTO will take me up to mid-July sometime.  At that point, I would begin maternity leave for 6-8 weeks whether or not baby has arrived.  That means full pay, then 50% pay that will take me at least until September.  Then with 12 weeks FMLA (no pay), my job will be held up until November.  I’m not sure if I’d be ready to return to work at that point.  I guess it depends on when baby actually arrives.  I doubt they’d fire me if I didn’t return to work immediately after FMLA.  I think whenever I can come back they’ll want me back – unless they’ve completely replaced me.  But given the way our company is growing, I don’t foresee them not needing me in the future.  So far my boss has been pretty supportive about everything.  But then again, up until this point in my career I’ve been a really reliable employee so I kind of feel like they owe me.

I’ve spent the last few days beginning a cross stitch project.  I’ve never cross stitched before but after working on it a few days I’m pretty pleased with it.  I think it’ll be a good addition to the nursery and will be something special for the baby.  Also, it will take hours upon hours.  And currently, I have too much time so it’s a great thing.

The storage cube unit arrived Friday – now if I can just get hubby to put it together 😉 It looks really heavy…poor guy.

Slowly, one by one, the art pieces I ordered from Etsy are arriving.  I have 2 fox ones, a hedgehog, owl, bear and raccoon.  I’ve bought some frames and hopefully they’ll come in soon.  I’d like to also get a maternity photo printed on canvas to go in the middle of these.  I’ll wait a while until the belly gets a little bigger.  I have a friend who will take the photos for us (though I haven’t asked her yet).  I’d like it to be Eric and I standing in the woods hopefully backlit so it’s kind of us silhouette from the side maybe holding hands.  I’ll hang everything over the changing table.  I’ve also considered getting a big wooden F (first initial of baby) to go in the mix of the frames but can’t decide on a color.  And also, we haven’t completely decided on baby’s name yet.

Biggest fear recently: stillbirth.  What a terrible thing!  As if it’s not bad enough to think that yes, baby will survive but will have severe defects if born at this time – but now we got to consider he may not survive at all?!  I read something today where one woman had carried 2 babies up to 28 weeks only to have stillbirths.  Come on 34 weeks!

Nursery Furniture

Today I spent a long time doing some research for nursery storage.

I had wanted to buy the kallax storage unit and fjalkinge bookshelf from ikea but when I found out it would cost $100+ to ship it to me I was pretty disgusted.  I would just drive up to the store in northern virginia but I can’t exactly go walking around a store right now and that hardly seems like a nice thing to make hubby have to do.

So I set out to find some comparable items which I think I was able to do.

I purchased the Better Homes and Gardens 8 cube organizer in white from walmart for $67.96 (a much better deal when compared to amazon – $113) with of course free shipping 🙂


I also got the Marcel Mission white 5 tier ladder bookshelf from Amazon for $67.00 (free shipping again…score).


I plan to put the storage cubes to the left of the dresser/changing table and the bookshelf to the right of the crib.  Here’s a panoramic of the nursery yesterday.


I’ve been researching rugs (still unsure how I feel about a rug on top of carpet), mobiles, poufs and lighting.  But as usual after hours of research I’m still unsure about everything.  Meanwhile baby’s been kicking like crazy.  Every day his kicks feel a little stronger which is reassuring.