Boyd’s Birth Story

We welcomed Boyd Carroll on March 6th, 2020 right before the world shut down.  I was so good about documenting Flynn’s monthly progress especially over the first year and did fairly good with Cora but admittedly have done horrible with Boyd and am now just sitting down to write his birth story.  Life with 3 is no joke.  But I was reminded recently how important it is to write a birth story (even if it’s late!) and I am determined to at least have this documented for our sweet Boyd.  So here goes!

Medically I had an easy pregnancy and though I continued to be high risk due to my early delivery with Flynn, everything went pretty smoothly.  I did have to get a cerclage placed at 13 weeks and received weekly progesterone injections but my cervix never did shorten.  This was definitely my hardest pregnancy physically for me.  I was really nauseous the entire first trimester and sporadically throughout the rest of the pregnancy.  Around 16 weeks I developed issues with an umbilical hernia due to my expanding uterus.  This issue peaked at 4-6 months of pregnancy and I had to stop exercising because of it.  I would randomly have the sensation that something was slipping through my ab wall (some intestine I believe) and would have to manually push it back in (which was pretty painful).  A few times it got stuck out and I had to lay down and just ice it until it went back in.  Fortunately as my uterus got bigger it essentially blocked anything from coming out.  My belly button was fully popped out for the third trimester and I really feared it would never go back.  It did, thankfully!  Besides that fun issue I just had a lot of aches and pains.  The third time around it definitely felt like my body was just TOO ready for delivery.  At about 20 weeks on I had terrible pubic and pelvic pain.  If I got out of bed in the middle of the night it was hard to put weight on my right leg at all.  Since I had a vaginal delivery with Flynn and a c-section with Cora our doctor was agreeable to either delivery method.  From the start I told her we would do what was safest.  With Flynn, I pushed for 2 hours and I did have a small tear but he was only 4 lbs 3.7 oz.  I really wasn’t sure what my body would be capable of delivering and I definitely did not want to push for several hours only to end up having an emergency c-section and then be faced with recovering from both.  Boyd ended up making the decision for us.  At 28 weeks and 32 weeks he was a healthy sized baby a little on the larger size but his head was running 6 weeks ahead.  At 36 weeks he was measured at 7 lbs. 10 oz and his head circumference measurement listed on the US was OOR.  Our tech looked confused and Eric guessed “out of range”.  Oof.  I would say it was a hard decision but really it wasn’t.  I really didn’t think I could deliver a baby twice the size of Flynn and with a head circumference the size of a 2 month old.  So we planned for a c-section and it was scheduled for March 6th at 39 weeks and 2 days.  We originally had asked for March 10th to give baby some more time to cook but our doctor was going to be out of town so we opted for the next latest option and the day after my birthday.

All throughout the pregnancy I was working remodeling my closet and we also had wood flooring installed upstairs after some water damage from a leaky toilet upstairs on new years eve.  We decided to save some money and do the quarter round to finish ourselves.  At 38 weeks (on leap day, of all days) I was jogging down the stairs with a measuring tape in hand to go cut the next piece of quarter round for my closet when I tripped and fell down the stairs.  I was about 5 steps from the bottom and my feet just got tangled and the next thing I knew my body was being launched horizontally.  I did my best to roll to my right side mid-air and hit the floor hard.  Of course I was really worried about the baby but I also had severe pain in my right ankle and was pretty sure I had broken it.  It immediately swelled up and bruised.  Eric was down the road getting his oil changed and I called him and told him to come home immediately.  I have a doppler ultrasound and he quickly checked on baby and we were relieved to hear a steady heart beat.  So we went straight to the ER and I was monitored for the day.  Baby was perfect.  Xray was negative for a fracture, it was just a really bad sprain.  I’ve sprained my ankles dozens of times but this sprain was a lot different.  I had a ton of pain and I couldn’t bear weight on my right foot at all for about 3 days, even with a walking boot.  By the time we got to Boyd’s birth day 6 days later I was comfortably walking with the boot and no crutches and hobbling pretty good without the boot.  I was so relieved to not still be using the crutches because I knew recovering from the c-section would be hard enough.

IMG_9906We had a hard time deciding on a name and finally decided on Boyd just the night before.  I was determined that we were not going to be those parents who still don’t know the name at the birth but we very nearly were.  Boyd means blonde or “son of the yellow haired one” and is more popular as a Scottish surname, similar to Flynn, a popular Irish surname meaning “son of the red-haired man”.  IMG_9910It was a very calm morning and we arrived at the hospital bright and early for our 7:45 c-section.  I was really nervous about the epidural because I’ve had 2 bad ones during both of my cerclages.  With the cerclage for Cora the anesthesiologist hit a nerve and I passed out from the pain.  The medicine didn’t circulate right because of me laying down so quickly and I felt most of the procedure and then went very numb just as I went to the recovery room.  With the cerclage for Boyd I had the same anesthesiologist and I requested to lay on my side.  It took her several attempts (ouch!) to get it placed but thankfully, it did work and the procedure itself was painless. So going into the epidural for the c-section I was nervous and hoping that it would go smoothly.  I have to say I was happy to see a different anesthesiologist there!  He did a great job and it went perfect.  After I was fully numbed up my OB began removing the cerclage.  Suddenly I realized I wasn’t feeling too great and about that time could hear my heart rate on the machine slowing down.  I knew I was going to pass out.  About then, the anesthesiologist came to me, likely realizing the same thing and I told him, “I don’t feel too good.  I think I’m going to pass out”.  Luckily we had a conversation prior about my vasovagal syncope issues and he must have had some meds on hand.  I tried to concentrate on my breathing and stay awake.  After a minute or two, I realized the beeping in the background (my heart rate) was really fast.  I glanced over at the monitor – 190.  I felt better but I was zapped of energy which always happens when I have a vasovagal episode.  About then, Eric was let in to the OR.  He immediately knew something was up and I told him what had happened.  My heart rate settled down some after a few minutes.

IMG_9922The next thing I remember is hearing him cry.  He came out head first screaming.  My OB said he was crying before they even pulled him out.  That was such a relief to hear.  They walked him over and I got to get a good look at him before they took him to the table to suction him out.   IMG_9916We couldn’t believe he had red hair just like his sister.  What are the chances.IMG_99198 lbs 2 oz and 20.5 inches long.  Not our heaviest baby but our longest.  And his head circumference was 15.25 inches – off the charts.



IMG_9948When we got back to the room he was so alert. We had a good hour or so to ourselves to meet and to nurse. Our nurse checked his temp and it was a little low so she helped us get skin to skin to snuggle. There is no greater feeling than this right here.  I told Eric, “Take a picture.  I want to remember this moment.”IMG_9956The kids came to meet their brother.  They were both so excited but especially Flynn.  We had been stressing the importance of not touching the baby’s face long before he was born.  In the picture below it looks like Flynn doesn’t want to be near him but he is actually just trying to get his hands away from his face because he didn’t want to get germs on him.  Boyd had some presents for his siblings to open, some sticker color by number books for Flynn and for Cora a boy baby doll with a mini ergo carrier.

IMG_9980About an hour after the kids left the nurse informed us that the hospital had just announced a new policy going forward of no visitors under the age of 12 and only 2 visitors at a time.  At that point, COVID-19 was just beginning to appear in the US and there were still no reported cases in VA.  Less than a week later schools closed and we went on lockdown the next weekend.  IMG_9993IMG_9994From day 1, Boyd has had a steady, calming presence.  We fell in love with his sweet and cuddly soul, piercing blue eyes and that small tuft of spiky red hair.

Welcome to the family, Boyd Carroll!

Flynn is Four!

Our sweet guy is four! Here’s a little snapshot of our curious little boy:

Loves: bakers chocolate and all desserts, wearing pajamas, baths, books, glow in the dark anything, preschool, watching good bones and treehouse detectives, all things paw patrol, playing hide and seek, scarves, grandmas cover-ups, Boat rides, yogurt smoothies, cuddling on the couch, tattling on others, playing with friends, cooking/food prep, swim lessons, painting, learning how to get to places, turning on lights, anything soft, his sister and when she messes with him, picking his nose, piggy back rides, spinning in circles



that’s fonnnnnny mommy!

what is it??!

what road is this?

Mommy, come wipe my butttt!

Good at: scooter-riding, cuddling, climbing, remembering where things are

Dislikes: movies

Skills: knows alphabet, can spell name (and write it sort of), knows numbers til mid-teens followed by “eleventy”, can get himself dressed but socks and shoes are still a struggle, huge vocabulary after a slow start, knows his way to the playground and lake


where does electricity come from? What’s water damage?

New: helping clean up from dinner, learned how to jump in the pool, sleeping under the covers, jumping off of 2 feet, finally figuring out his tricycle but needs more practice, learning that his actions have consequences

Cora – 11 months

We love this sweet little girl. Her personality continues to develop and we just couldn’t love her anymore. We’re pretty certain the only reason she is such a terrible sleeper is so we don’t make 20 more babies because other than that she is just the sweetest.

Diapers: size 3

Clothing size: 9 or 12 months

Nicknames: lil sis, sis

Eye color: bright blue

Hair color: RED! Getting curlier and longer by the day!

Sleeps in: her crib.

Overnight routine: I put her to bed usually after I put Flynn down. I feed her and then give her a paci. I try to rock her but she really doesn’t like it. I put her in the crib and she falls asleep on her own. She gets up 1x usually to eat and then gets up around 7:30 typically.

Daytime schedule: up usually around 7:30. She nurses and eats breakfast (yogurt) and plays usually until 9:30-10 and then takes a 1.5-2 hour nap. She nurses and then eats lunch. She plays until around 2:30-3, nurses and then naps for 2 hours. She nurses and then plays until dinner. After dinner she gets a bath most nights and then gets in her PJs and plays while Flynn watches TV until bed.

Food: She still eats purses but has started eating table food and loves it. She loves cheese, peanut butter bread and will eat just about anything. She doesn’t care for blueberries.

Likes: smiling, laughing, growling (sounds like a zombie), blowing raspberries. She LOVES the water whether it’s the bath or the pool. She loves crawling around and finding tiny things to put in her mouth. She loves her family but she’s happy to be held by anyone now. She loves peek a boo and clapping. If there’s a beat, she’s dancing which right now means rocking forward and back with her hips. She loves messing with her brother. She’ll crawl up to him and just start hitting him or grabbing him and instantly giggles.

Dislikes: being told no. Sometimes napping.


Crawling! Started right at 10 months. Getting faster by the day. She sometimes does a side saddle scoot leaving her left leg tucked under her.

Pulling up to stand just this week.

We have a tooth! Bottom right broke through June 24th.

Loves to clap! Claps when others clap or say Yay!

Babbles a lot and says mama and dada but not just to us. I feel like it will be soon though.

Pretty stable in the bath tub.

Loves flirting with strangers and is obsessed with “winning over” anyone. She is so disappointed when someone won’t look her way.

Loves to feed Zable and Mom and Dad. Will giggle when she does.

Cora – 9 months

Weight: 16 lbs 2.5 oz (17th percentile)

Height: 26.5 in (11th percentile)

Diapers: size 3

Clothing size: mostly 9 months

Nicknames: lil sis, sis

Eye color: blue – lighter than her brother’s

Sleeps in: her crib. No more Merlin. She likes to lay on her side or on her belly (new)

Overnight routine: I put her to bed usually while Flynn is watching Paw Patrol around 7:30. I usually put her in a sleeper, feed her and if she doesn’t look tired she sits on the floor and plays or watches Flynn or paw patrol until she looks sleepy and then I put her down for bed.

I nurse her and then lay her down. She usually cries for a few seconds and then falls asleep pretty easily. She can get up every 3 hours or will sleep a 5-6 hour stretch first. 2x last week she slept 9-10 hours which was the first time she had slept through the night but for no reason the next night she was back to waking up.

Daytime schedule: up usually around 7:30. She nurses and plays usually until 9:30-10 and then takes a 1.5-2 hour nap. She nurses and then does about 4oz of puréed food for lunch. She jumps or sits and plays with toys for a few hours. She goes down for another 2 hour nap around 2-3. Then we repeat same as after first nap. At 6:45 Flynn gets a bath and Cora gets dressed for bed (or bathes with Flynn).

Food: she loves food! Lately she’s digging squash and apple varieties.

She gets bathed 2x a week at least and now bathes in the tub with Flynn. She still needs some support occasionally so she doesn’t slip and fall in the tub but she LOVES it.

Likes: FLYNN. Mom – she reaches for me when other people hold her :). Daddy is a favorite and can always make her smile and bat her eyelashes. She loves jumping and sitting to play with toys. If it has a tag, she’s down. She still blows raspberries a lot. She loves splashing in the tub and peek-a-boo. About 2 weeks ago she suddenly started rolling over. She did it on her 6 month birthday and hadn’t done it since. She can now string a few rolls together. Since then, she has been more interested in playing on her belly and can scoot and pivot a few feet. She also likes to sleep on her belly and I’m hoping that she’ll start to sleep longer that way.

Dislikes: riding in the car, being left to play alone.


Signals to be picked up by reaching out with her arms and twisting and grabbing the air.

Rolling over consistently

Scooting and pivoting on her belly (but still can’t crawl)

Reaching out of base of support more with sitting with good stability

Sleeping on side and belly in crib for naps and nighttime sleep

Can pick up and eat puffs

First Easter

Cora – 8 months

Diapers: size 3

Clothing size: mostly 9 months

Nicknames: lil sis, sis

Eye color: blue

Sleeps in: her crib. We put her in Merlin and leave her arms out. She also naps inher crib this way.

Overnight routine: I put her to bed usually while Flynn is watching Paw Patrol around 7:30. I usually put her in a sleeper, feed her and if she doesn’t look tired she sits in my lap and watches Flynn or paw patrol until she looks sleepy and then I put her down for bed.  For about a month I was giving her a bottle before bed because she seemed frustrated by my supply. However, about a week ago I decided to try nursing her because my supply had boosted up to where I was often pumping 5 oz. She’s been content with nursing so far. When I put her down she usually goes right to sleep. We had a good week where she was sleeping until 3-4 am and then getting up around 7:30 for the day but other than that she usually gets up every 3-4 hours.

Daytime schedule: up usually around 7:30. She nurses and plays usually until 9:30-10 and then takes a 1.5-2 hour nap. She nursed and then does about 4oz of puréed food for lunch. She jumps or sits and plays with toys for a few hours. She goes down for another 2 hour nap around 2-3. Then we repeat same as after first nap. At 6:45 Flynn gets a bath and Cora gets dressed for bed (or bathes with Flynn).

Food: She loves food! The greener, the better!

She gets bathed 2x a week at least and now bathes in the tub with Flynn. She still needs some support occasionally so she doesn’t slip and fall in the tub but she LOVES it.

Likes: FLYNN. Mom – she reaches for me when other people hold her :). Daddy is a favorite and can always make her smile and bat her eyelashes. She loves jumping and sitting to play with toys. If it has a tag, she’s down. She still blows raspberries a lot. She loves splashing in the tub and peek-a-boo.

Dislikes: riding in the car, laying down


Waving – which looks like flapping both arms

First time swinging

Sits up in regular bath tub

Let’s us know she wants something (usually hungry) by moving both hands as if she’s grabbing the air and twisting it

Sleeps in her own room (since 6 months + 1 week)

Cora – 6 months


Diapers: size 2
Clothing size: 6 months fits well.
Nicknames: sis, lil sis, sissy, sis boom bah
Eye color: blue

Sleeps in: pack n play next to our bed.  Switched from a swaddleme sleep sack about a week ago to Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit.  We attempted to make the switch at 5 months but she slept so poorly that after 3-4 nights we gave up and went back to the sleepsack.  Unfortunately she is just so good now at houdini’ing her hands out and waking herself up that it didn’t make sense to continue on in the sleepsack.

Overnight routine: I put her to bed usually while Flynn is watching Paw Patrol around 7:30. I usually put her in a sleeper, feed her and if she doesn’t look tired she sits in my lap and watches Flynn or paw patrol until she looks sleepy and then I put her down for bed.  She either goes to sleep on her own or needs a paci-put in 1-2x and then goes to sleep.

Unfortunately, too often, after just 30 min or so she was waking up.  She got to the point where she wasn’t even having a good first stretch of sleep.  I’ve been feeding her every 2 hours and her sleep seemed to just get worse and worse with her waking up in between feeds every 2 hours too.  There were nights when she’d be waking up every 15 min or so.  I was dyingggggg.  We had gotten into a nasty habit of picking her up when she was crying and “rocking” her back to sleep.  99% of the time she would cry and as soon as you picked her up she’d fall asleep.  It was just so much easier than letting her cry and try to self-soothe.

After a particularly rough night last week I said ok – time to cry it out a little.  Because she was eating every 2 hours overnight, she was actually eating about the same amount overnight as she was during the day.  I knew we would have to slowly phase out some of her feeds overnight.  So we decided I would feed her every 3 hours (or longer).  Part of the problem was she was eating every 2 hours during the day and just “snacking” – she’d eat 3-4 min on one side and be done and be hungry again in 2 hours.  I needed her to start eating more during the day so Eric had the idea of stretching her out to 3 hours during the day in hopes that she’d eat a bigger meal – so far that seems to be helping because she’s been eating on both sides more during the day and at night.  We decided no more picking her up.  If she wakes up and it’s before the 3 hour mark we go and comfort her every couple minutes but she cries.  It’s not a strict cry-it-out because we’re not using the progressive intervals – we’re simply standing there and checking in with her every couple minutes – giving a paci, patting her on the belly, shushing or saying things like “time to go to sleep” and then walking away for a couple minutes.

So far we’re a week into it and we’ve had a few promising nights where she slept 2 hours before waking up, crying just a minute – getting comforted and then falling asleep for an hour before being fed and starting the whole 3 hour process over again.  Sadly, this is drastically better than where we were a couple weeks ago.  I can only hope that she will continue to progress.

Daytime schedule: nursing every 2-3 hours.  She’s been napping poorly too – we usually get 3 30-60 min naps a day.

Food: We started solids! We started about a week before Christmas.  We tried oatmeal cereal mixed w/ breastmilk.  She kept just pushing it out w/ her tongue so we waited a week or so and tried again.  Starting in January we restarted w/ Sweet Potato.  Then we did Banana and then Peas.  Strangely the peas have been her favorite.  It took a couple weeks for her to start actually consuming the food and we still aren’t great with it but I’m giving her something every day as practice.  Next up is Carrots.

Likes: FLYNN – she loves her big bro!  She sometimes just watches him and giggles uncontrollably.  #2 on the list is Daddy.  then comes me.  She also loves her grandmas of course.  She likes eating her fingers, sucking on her paci, blowing raspberries, watching PAW PATROL, sitting in her bumbo or being held, jumping, watching people dance and jump, looking in the mirror,

Dislikes: riding in the car, laying down (only tolerates a couple minutes now)


Discovered her feet last week and now wants to suck on her toes and pull her socks off.

Can sit without support for 10 seconds or so

Rolled supine to prone and prone to supine for the first time on her 6 month birthday all within a couple minutes!

Cora enjoyed her first Christmas.  She was a trooper and went with the flow through all of the chaos of parties and driving everywhere.

Cora met her Uncle Michael and her Great Grandma Brooks

She also took one epic photo on Granddad’s GT on a cloudy 50 degree day.

Cora had RSV.  Flynn had it first before Christmas, then I got it and then Cora got it.  By day 3, she had started to wheeze lightly.  We took her to the pediatrician.  They said she looked ok but told us what to watch for.  She tested + for RSV.  That night her breathing worsened.  Eric stayed up for a long time by her bed watching her sleep worried about her.  By the time she got up around 4 to eat I could tell she was much worse.  We stripped her down and put her in the shower in her bumbo which we had done the day before which seemed to help some of her congestion drain out.  This time though, all we could see was her lungs retracting and her chest struggling for every breath.   We went to the ER that morning and spent about 3 hours there.  They did a saline breathing treatment and some deep suction and got her breathing better.  But they basically told us not to come back unless she was blue or stopped eating.  Later that day, she got where she wouldn’t nurse but we were able to give her a bottle a couple times.   Slowly she stopped nursing all together but I was able to give her bottles every 3 hours the next day.  But she was only taking 1-1.5 oz before she’d struggle to breathe, get frustrated, and stop.  With everything, she was so fatigued all she wanted to do was sleep.  That afternoon she went 4 hours before getting a wet diaper.  I knew we were at a turning point – she would either get better or get worse and worse meant going back to the ER for an IV.  When Eric got home she perked up and took a few oz from a bottle.  That night as I was putting her to bed she drained a 3 oz bottle and looked hungry so I nursed her a few minutes more.  Overnight she nursed every 2-3 hours and I knew we were headed the right way.  Slowly, day by day her breathing got slightly better and she sounded slightly less congested and she ate a little better.  By about 4-5 days later, she was almost back to normal.  There were a few very scary days there where she had us all worried and I am so thankful she recovered so quickly.

Cora – 7 months

Diapers: size 3 (just started)
Clothing size: 6 months fits well.
Nicknames: sis, lil sis, sissy, sis boom bah
Eye color: blue

Hair color: coppery red esp. obvious in the sunlight

Sleeps in: in her crib.  We moved her a few days after she turned 6 months.  We were getting up so often I was worried that it would mean more work for me but it has helped a little in that we are able to let her cry it out.  We couldn’t really do that with her in our room without going crazy.  She sleeps in Merlin still but we started taking her arms out a few weeks ago.  She often sleeps with her hands near her face and likes to grab her paci.

Overnight routine: I’d like to say that cry it out helped but there have been several nights where she cries for an hour before falling asleep. I’m not sure it’s getting any better.  Our routine is I give her a bottle before bed which can be anywhere from 2-5 oz.  She watches Paw Patrol with Flynn in bed and then when she seems tired I take her to her room and turn all the lights off, top her off on the bottle and then rock her with her paci.  This is usually around 8 PM.  She DOES NOT like to cuddle at all.  She is often trying to jump in my lap or sit up and doesn’t want to lay down at all.  Eventually, I lay her down in Merlin w/ her arms out.  I give her my arm to hold and she likes to grab it and knead it for a minute or 2.  Then I walk out.  Sometimes she falls right to sleep, sometimes she cries for an hour.  And it really doesn’t make a lot of sense.  Then, like clockwork she’s up again around 1 and 4 to eat.  She gets up at 7.  I’d like to ditch one of our night feeds but she is still eating quite a bit overnight and I’m not sure how to wean her.  I keep thinking she’ll start stretching out that first stretch of sleep but so far no luck.

Daytime schedule: Up at 7-8 am.  Nurses around 8-9 am.  Naps 9-11. Nurses.  2 oz of solids at lunch.  Nurses before nap.  Nap 2:30-4:30.  Nurses.  Dinner 2 oz.  Bottle before bed around 7 PM.  To bed at 8 PM.  She’s been napping in her crib too and she sometimes takes a good 2 hour nap

Food: She is loving food!  She has really gotten the hang of swallowing in the last month.  She loves anything green or veggie-ish.  If it’s sweet, she will be less likely to eat it!  So far she hasn’t had any reactions and has tried eggs and peanut butter.

Likes: FLYNN – he’s still her favorite.  She loves anything with a tag or paper.  She has recently discovered her bottom lip and often sucks on it, esp. when she’s eating.  She loves food!  Especially peas, green beans, carrots, etc. – the greener, the better.  She loves Zable. She loves looking in the mirror, sitting, jumping, getting tickled and BEING UPSIDE DOWN.

Dislikes: laying on her back, cuddling, sweet food


Can independently sit for long stretches

Sleeping in her room

Can move objects back and forth in her hands

First time swinging

First Valentine’s Day

Cora – 4 months

Weight: 12 pounds, 14.5 oz (21st percentile)

Height: 24 inches (26th percentile)
Diapers: size 2
Clothing size: just switched to 6 months – still a little loose
Nicknames: sis, lil sis, sis boom bah
Eye color: blue

Sleeps in: pack n play next to our bed – still loves being in a swaddleme sleep sack.

Overnight routine: I put her to bed just after I put Flynn to bed at 8. I usually put her in a sleeper, feed her and if she doesn’t look tired I let her kick around a bit on the bed. Then I put her in her sleep sack with a swaddling blanket tight around her lower half and give her a paci.  She’s still not sleeping well. Occasionally she does better but on average she’s up every 2-3 hours.

Daytime feeding schedule: nursing every 2-3 hours.  Her naps are getting shorter and usually are 30 min to an hour. The rest of the time she is awake.   A couple times a day she skips the nap between feeds.

Likes: mama, daddy and Flynn, grandmas, pacifier, sitting up and facing out, eating her fingers, talking

Dislikes: that hour before bedtime, wet/dirty diapers, bottles


Blowing raspberries – for about a week now

Can sit with support – loves the bumbo and prefers it to laying down and playing

Cora was a strawberry for Halloween!  I wore her in the ergo and after being awake and happy for about 20 minutes she fell asleep and slept through the remainder of trick or treating.

We took our first vacation as a family of 4 and went to Disney. Cora did great!  She was super easy on the plane. She loveddddd being in the ergo and walking (napping) around the parks.  I got used to nursing her out in the open with the cover out of necessity.  She went on all the rides and loved looking around at everything.

Cora – 3 months

Weight: 11 lbs, 3ozHeight: 23 inches

Diapers: size 2

Clothing size: 3 months but getting tight

Nicknames: sis, lil sis

Eye color: blue with a thick rim of navy
Sleeps in: pack n play next to our bed – still loves being in a swaddleme sleep sack. 
Overnight routine: I put her to bed just after I put Flynn to bed at 8. I usually put her in a sleeper, feed her and if she doesn’t look tired I let her kick around a bit on the bed. Then I put her in her sleep sack with a swaddling blanket tight around her lower half and give her a paci. We’ve been getting up every 3 hours almost exactly for the past 2-3 weeks.  Occasionally she sleeps for a 4-5 hour stretch.  I’m not sure why she’s getting up so much more but it’s kind of kicking my butt after she was sleeping so good.

Daytime feeding schedule: nursing every 2-3 hours.  Eat/sleep/play but usually 1 or 2 times a day she skips the nap between feeds.  Definitely on demand all the time unless I’m trying to top her off before we go out. 

Likes: mama, daddy and Flynn, pacifier, kicking and batting toys on the play mat, baths (she kicks her little feet), being talked to – she will coooooo so hard. 

Dislikes: that hour before bedtime, wet/dirty diapers, bottles

Can tummy time with head at 90 degrees but still can’t get her chest much up off the floor. 

Her flat spot is slightly better (definitely not worse) and she’s turning her head pretty equally now for playing.  

It’s been so easy to take Cora out places because unlike Flynn she only takes 5-10 minutes to eat (Flynn took about 45 minutes to eat).  So I can easily slip to the restroom and feed her. It is a total game changer and means a lot less stress when we go out. 
Sis has had a rough time taking bottles when her grandmas watch her. The first 2 weeks especially so but she is slowly getting better at taking them. 

Cora – 2 months

Weight: 10 lbs, 7 oz
Height: 22 inches

Diapers: size 1

Clothing size: 3 months fits good

Nicknames: sis, lil sis

Eye color: blue with a thick rim of navy

Sleeps in: pack n play next to our bed – loves being in a swaddleme sleep sack. They’re getting tight so I ordered the large size but it looks huge. Waiting to take the plunge to the next size as I fear she won’t sleep as well. 

Overnight routine: I put her to bed just after I put Flynn to bed at 8. I usually put her in a onesie, feed her and if she doesn’t look tired I let her kick around a bit on the bed. Then I put her in her sleep sack with a swaddling blanket tight around her lower half and give her a paci. She started sleeping 5-6 hours for the first stretch a while back. Then right at 8 weeks she had 3 nights where she slept 8-9 hours. That morning she slept 9 hours was the first and only  time she’s woken me up crying. I jumped up like – woah – what’s that?!  After that she went back to sleeping 4-6 hours for the first stretch. Second stretch is usually 3.5-4 hours. We do a bath before bed 2x a week now. 

Right around 6 weeks she got terrible baby acne and after 2 weeks of it not going away it began to actually get dry feeling, almost crusty. It covered her cheeks and forehead. I read some about it and thought maybe she had eczema since it wasn’t clearing up and seemed dry.  I applied A&D to her face before bedtime 3 nights and it didn’t seem to change. I then switched to aquafor and after 2 nights I noticed a difference. After 4-5 nights of application it was almost gone. I haven’t put any creams on her face in the last several days and it doesn’t seem to be returning. Fingers crossed. 

Daytime feeding schedule: nursing every 2-3 hours. She’s had longer awake/alert periods for the last week and is sometimes awake for an hour after eating. This is especially true when I get her up in the morning.  When that happens I try to let her nap so therefore it’s more like 3 hours between feeds. I’d say >50% of the time it’s me waking her up to eat and not on demand. 

Likes: mama :D, a warm chest to snuggle, pacifier, kicking and batting toys on the play mat, baths (she kicks her little feet), being talked to

Dislikes: headbands, that hour before bedtime, wet/dirty diapers (this is new for us!  No crying but she starts to get fussy – Flynn never cared one bit about his diaper)


We started smiling!  Happened right around 6.5 weeks for mama. This past week she is smiling pretty often at me. It makes my heart explode. She also has the cutest coos and little sounds.  I swear she says “hello” sometimes. She definitely tries to mimic the shape of my mouth when I’m talking to her and it’s so cute. 

Also – head control!  We’re getting there. She is definitely strong lifting her head forward and tries to “sit up” sometimes when I’ve got her in my lap. Less control with side to side movements still. 

Cora had her hip ultrasound and the results were normal!  She fell asleep halfway through it. 

My only concern at this point is a flat spot she’s developing on the right/back of her head. She ALWAYS wants to lay with her head turned to the right.  I noticed the flat spot a week ago and I’ve been trying to turn her head to the left whenever I can but a lot of the time she turns it back to the right after a couple minutes. And it’s hard to do much about it overnight.  The pediatrician wants me to keep up what I’ve been doing. She was less concerned because she can turn her head to the left (aka full range of motion – not torticollis), she just doesn’t like to. 

Cora is such a good baby. She is so patient with me and it takes a lot for her to cry.  There’s only been a couple times where she really got going and usually once I pick her up she settles right down.  It is so easy to take her out places. She wakes up, looks around a few minutes and then often falls back to sleep on her own without any soothing needed. She likes a paci when she first falls asleep but often she spits it out right before she falls asleep.  

She’s done a lot better with eating and doesn’t fuss at letdown anymore. She usually eats 3-5 minutes on the first side and then I change her and offer the second side. About half the time she’s not interested. The other half she eats for 2-4 min and usually by that time is sleepy. She rarely spits up which is so new to me. I actually never burped Flynn because whenever I did he would spit up his whole meal instead of half of it. I burp her after the first side and I usually get a good one half the time. 

We are so in love with this sweet little lady!